Well, I think seven months is long enough for a hiatus, don't you? Tonight I offer the "Anthony Wayne", a drink I myself have concocted. The burden is this, my lords and ladies: 1/4 applejack, 3/4 Pimm's, 2 dashes Peychaud's bitters; stir over ice and garnish with a maraschino cherry. Merry and short with dash, just like the General himself. I'm sure someone has hit on this happy combination before, but I doubt they thought to name it for that august personage. This is the man who led bayonet charges at Stony Point and Green Spring and one of the few to earn a congressional medal during the Revolutionary War. A great Pennsylvanian and for fighting the "dandy-o". Three cheers for Mad Anthony Wayne!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Well, I think seven months is long enough for a hiatus, don't you? Tonight I offer the "Anthony Wayne", a drink I myself have concocted. The burden is this, my lords and ladies: 1/4 applejack, 3/4 Pimm's, 2 dashes Peychaud's bitters; stir over ice and garnish with a maraschino cherry. Merry and short with dash, just like the General himself. I'm sure someone has hit on this happy combination before, but I doubt they thought to name it for that august personage. This is the man who led bayonet charges at Stony Point and Green Spring and one of the few to earn a congressional medal during the Revolutionary War. A great Pennsylvanian and for fighting the "dandy-o". Three cheers for Mad Anthony Wayne!
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