This time the subject at hand is the Opening Cocktail, a promising mixture of grenadine, italian vermouth and rye whiskey. Alas, the reality falls far short. The drink was heavy, sweet and not much else. Perhaps a bit of soda water would lighten the load. Here's the recipe as it appears in The Official Mixer's Manual: "1/4 Grenadine, 1/4 Italian Vermouth, 1/2 Rye Whiskey. Stir well in ice and strain into glass."
Odd also that there is no garnish. Perhaps a shot of soda water and a cherry is the thing.
It's too bad that the inauguration of my music collection online should be heralded by such a threadbare cocktail; perhaps the sounds of Benny Goodman will inspire someone to rehabilitate this drink and find the inner truth that I couldn't discover.
Surely rye whiskey captures the spirit of Mr. Goodman's jazz: mellow, refined but not fancy, holding infinite nuance.
Swing, dammit!
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